Explaining AI: Kordel France's quest to create ethical AI

In this episode, I speak to Kordel France, the CEO of Seekar Technology. We discuss the challenges of building an ethical tech company, the importance of creating unbiased data sets, and Kordel discusses the importance of making AI explainable.

Seekar technologies builds Artificial Intelligence across industries, with a specific focus on creating ethical AI for uses in ethical contexts. His technology has been involved in creating a response to the COVID-19 pandemic that allows doctors to more efficiently screen for the virus, and in environmental protection and conversation efforts. Kordel founded Seekar technologies to set new standards for how technologists create and deply AI, and seeks to make AI mobile, ethical, explainable, and dynamic. His vision for Seekar Technologies is committed to developing a tech culture in which the use of AI will remain ethical and equitable.

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This episode was produced by Matt Perry.

Art by Desi Aleman.


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